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Jan. 16, 2023

I'm Back! Lessons Learned from Going "Offline" for Seven Months | Ep# 54

I'm Back! Lessons Learned from Going

I’m baaaack! (picture Jack Nicholson in The Shinning)... ok, maybe not in that creepy kinda way, but I am back and fired up for what we’re going to be coving this year on the podcast! A lot can happen in seven months for any of us, and that rings true for me. 2022 was a year I’ll look back on and remember for a variety of reasons. 


Today we’ll dive into what some of those reasons are, some key takeaways I’ve learned, and maybe a challenge or two for you to integrate into your year. 


In this episode you'll learn:

  • How to navigate unexpected life changes.
  • Why you should "go offline" for an extended period of time. 
  • The importance of anchoring in your “go to’s” so you don’t lose yourself. 
  • Why “New Year, new you” is bullshit and why you should shift your perspective.
  • Some fun announcements of things to come! 

Host: Josh Cearbaugh



