Danny & Vanessa are hosts of the Sovereign Lovestream, a love, sex, and psychedelics podcast.
Years in a toxic relationship they healed themselves and their relationship using plant medicines, meditation, and other healing modalities to create a beautiful marriage filled with love, joy, and gratitude.
Vanessa and Danny share those techniques and healing modalities with their audience and also offer relationship coaching and intuitive readings. They love teaching individuals how to achieve spiritual sovereignty and how to bring centered balanced energy to their relationships.
In this episode you'll learn:
Host: Josh Cearbaugh
Website: https://joshcearbaugh.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshcearbaugh/
Course: https://www.jumpstartyourlife.com
Guest: Danny & Vanessa Velez-panzella
Website: https://www.sovereignlove.nyc
Podcast: https://www.sovereignlove.nyc/lovestream
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sovereignlovebrooklyn
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sovereignlove.nyc/