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Feb. 17, 2025

Why The Thought of Suicide isn't a "Bad Thing"

In this deeply personal episode, I explore the stigma around suicidal thoughts, particularly for men, and how these thoughts, rather than being purely negative, can serve as a powerful signal for change. Drawing from my own s...

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July 18, 2024

The Unhealthy Traps of a New Marriage | Ep. #66

Marriage is a beautiful thing. It offers the gift of moving you into the healthiest version of you, but it has the potential to derail you if you’re unwilling (or unable) to take a hard look in the mirror. Today, we dive into...

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Dec. 11, 2023

Spirituality + Masculinity | How They Are Interwoven & Why They're Im…

In today’s solo episode, Josh is sharing honestly about his own journey. He dives into the ways pain and disappointment can create a byproduct of isolation, not only from others but also from God. He dives into how this happe...

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Oct. 23, 2023

David Peralta - The Role of Spirituality in Healthy Masculinity | Ep.…

David Peralta is a spiritual teacher, coach, and creator of The Soul Centered Founder. Since 2019, he’s been helping impact-driven entrepreneurs build 6- and 7-figure businesses by aligning themselves with their soul’s purpos...

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Sept. 13, 2023

5 Ways to Snap Out of a Funk... and How to Realize You're in One | Ep…

We’ve all been there at one time or another… in a funk… in an emotional rut… feeling unclear about how we arrived there and how to dig out of it. Today, we will dissect how exactly we get into funks and, more importantly, the...

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June 19, 2023

Andrew Daniel - Overcoming a Victim Mentality... and so much more | E…

Andrew Daniel is an award-winning and international bestselling author and director at the Center for Cinesomatic Development. His Cinesomatics® workshops are held internationally from Nashville to London, Tuscany to Switzerl...

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May 29, 2023

Identifying Emotional Anchors - and Why They Matter | Ep. #61

Today we unpack a topic I wish I had learned about 15 years ago… all of us will experience “storms” in our lives. The question is, how can you find anchors to hold on to during the storm? Learning how to identify your anchors...

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May 8, 2023

Unexpected Pain - How to Use it for Good | Ep. #60

Today we get to dive into what I’m calling “my shitty week”... an unexpected (and intense) wave of pain that took me off guard. Like many things in life, for those who are willing to lean into discomfort, there can be some be...

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April 24, 2023

Dave Charlson - What is Healthy Masculine Vulnerability... and so muc…

Today is special… because today you get to hear from the man who has helped me navigate life's challenges more so than any other man. The one and only David Charlson. He is the person I turn to when I feel stuck, overwhelmed,...

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April 10, 2023

The Connection Between Death & Intimacy - Ep. #58

As much as we are fighting the inevitable, it’s no secret that we all eventually pass. Today we will be talking about processing the grief of saying goodbye… more specifically, my process of saying goodbye to an amazing man… ...

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March 27, 2023

Michael O'Brien - The Need to Slow Down in Order to Build Momentum | …

Breathe in…Breathe out… It’s time to stress less and Pause Breathe Reflect with Michael O’Brien. Michael is a qualified meditation teacher, executive coach, endurance athlete, and creator of the Pause Breathe Reflect Meditati...

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March 6, 2023

Why Men Don't Fulfill Their Potential in Life | Ep. #56

We all desire to “reach our potential,” but how the hell do you practically do it??? Today we’ll dive into the primary actions a man can take (both practically and emotionally) to learn how to be more present in life and ulti...

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Feb. 6, 2023

Biohacking Masculinity | Ep #55

In this episode, you'll learn: What's all the buzz about when it comes to biohacking? How do biohacking fit into masculinity? What's the connection between your biology and spirit? Why you need a gameplan Links Host: Josh Cea...

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Jan. 16, 2023

I'm Back! Lessons Learned from Going "Offline" for Seven Months | Ep#…

I’m baaaack! (picture Jack Nicholson in The Shinning)... ok, maybe not in that creepy kinda way, but I am back and fired up for what we’re going to be coving this year on the podcast! A lot can happen in seven months for any ...

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June 16, 2022

5 Ways to Prevent Burnout During Major Life Transitions | Ep #53

As a former Marine with an all-or-nothing personality, sometimes I feel as if I’m hardwired for burnout. I have to be proactive and go out of my way to take action on a few practical steps to keep me in a healthy place. Today...

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May 13, 2022

How to Fully Let Go of a Toxic Relationship | Ep #52

Distance can help you gain clarity for dysfunction but only when you close out that old relationship in a complete and healthy way. Today’s episode is a powerful tool I’ve used with clients to help them fully end a relationsh...

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April 18, 2022

Unpacking Our First Couples Psychedelic Journey with Kristen Waltrip …

In today’s episode, I’m inviting you into some things that are deeply personal to me. You all get to meet a very special person in my life. My queen. My life partner. The woman who has been an intricate part of my story the l...

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March 28, 2022

Psychedelics & Healthy Relationships with Danny & Vanessa Velez-Panze…

Danny & Vanessa are hosts of the Sovereign Lovestream, a love, sex, and psychedelics podcast. Years in a toxic relationship they healed themselves and their relationship using plant medicines, meditation, and other healing mo...

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March 14, 2022

Fu*k Your Ego.... or Maybe Not?? | Ep#49

“Death of ego” is a common thing you hear in plant medicine circles. The question is, is the ego ALL bad? Today we dive into that very question. In this episode you'll learn: What is “the ego”? What is “Ego death”? How preval...

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Feb. 28, 2022

Why Men Cheat | Ep #48

Being cheated on is a deep emotional violation of trust that comes from the very person who is supposed to be closest to you. The question is, why do we cheat? Why do we look outside the relationship for comfort, sex, affirma...

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Feb. 2, 2022

Riding the Waves of Grief Post Divorce | Ep#47

Most of us have either been through a divorce ourselves or know someone who has. In today’s episode, Josh and Seth discuss what it’s like to “ride the waves” of grief that come with the loss of a marriage. As two men who have...

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Jan. 10, 2022

Tricia Macalka-Fisher: Surviving Narcisism | Ep #46

In Episode Five, we welcome our first female guest and one who gives voice to Narcissistic Abuse Survivors and a perspective that might be hard to hear. Her story of being in a relationship with an extremely abusive, passive-...

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Nov. 22, 2021

Unpacking Narcissism - The Original Douchebag | #45

True Narcissists are douchebags! Well, they can be. Narcissism in relationships, Narcissism in the Church or other organizational leadership - it seems to be a hot topic lately and many are still trying to understand it. It t...

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Oct. 27, 2021

The Confusion of CoDependency | #44

Have you ever felt like there was a wet blanket over your mind or your heart, making it difficult to think or feel good? One reason this may be happening is because of Codependency. We experience codependency in many ways; ma...

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