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Sept. 27, 2021

We're Back!... and With Some Exciting New Changes. - Part 1 | Ep #42

In this first episode of the new season, Josh introduces his new co-host of Multifaceted Masculinity, Seth Conner. Naturally, they discuss and comically recall the inception and nature of their relationship over the 10 years ...

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March 11, 2021

The Unexpected Takeaways From My Ayahuasca Retreat | Ep #41

I wasn't sure what to fully expect going into my first ayahuasca retreat. I had heard everything from "You're going to see demons and talk to the devil" to "it will be the most healing experience of your life." I …

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Jan. 18, 2021

Five Reasons Why You Shouldn't Trust Your Emotions | Ep #40

Men can inadvertently become fickle and reactionary when they begin the journey of "emotional health". Today we talk about the primary ways your emotions can betray you, and how you can learn to differentiate the process of v...

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Dec. 14, 2020

The #1 Emasculating Thing in Every Unhealthy Relationship | Ep#39

There are several well-intended men who slowly lose themselves in a relationship. They do all they can to "love" the other person, not realizing their actions lead to feeling insecure and ultimately causes them to doubt their...

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Nov. 30, 2020

The Holidays Can Suck For These Men, But Don't Have To | Ep. #38

The holiday season is normally chaulked full of festivities that create life-long memories. They are a time to be thankful, celebrate, and share with one another, all of which are some of the most beautiful qualities life has...

Episode page
Nov. 9, 2020

Why You Should Use "Feeling Like a Fraud" as Fuel & Encouragement | E…

As men, we've all felt like a fraud at some point but did you know it could actually be a positive thing? I'm not talking about hiding behind false humility or using it as a way to emotionally abuse yourself …

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Oct. 13, 2020

How to Identify and Remove Your Inner Victim | Ep #36

We all have this inner voice that tries to give us an out from taking responsibility, confronting our shortcomings, and embracing our greatness... it's our inner victim mentality... better known as our "inner bitch". The chal...

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Sept. 30, 2020

The Need for Positive Peer Pressure | Ep #35

Jim Rohn famously said you are the sum of your five closest friends. Hopefully, you are choosing to surround yourself with individuals who are willing to challenge you at times by "positive peer pressure". Meaning, they are m...

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Sept. 28, 2020

"The Social Dilemma" Highlights Nazi Germany Patterns of Unhealthy Ma…

The fact that Social Media and "screen time" creates a damaging internal ripple effect is nothing new. What's different about The Social Dilemma is the message is coming directly from the very people who created the services ...

Episode page
Sept. 23, 2020

Stop Using Your Bookshelf for a Fear-Suppressing Comfort Blanket | Ep…

Don't be one of the many men who are able to articulate their inner world but not have a clue how to live from it in a healthy way. It's nothing more than distorted fear masquerading as wisdom. If that's …

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Sept. 16, 2020

The Isolation Trap of Pursuing Emotional Health | Ep: #33

This week's Three Minute Thought we talk about how pursuing emotional health can have the best of intentions but accidentally lead to a deep sense of loneliness, which is counterproductive for pursuing a better internal world...

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Sept. 14, 2020

Psychedelics and Christianity with Seth Conner | Ep #32

We have been taught to fear what we don't understand and that truth can easily be found when you start talking about psychedelics. It's much harder to pause your default reaction to a topic, stop and listen to someone who …

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Sept. 7, 2020

Why it's Scary to Embrace Vulnerability & Why You Should do it Anyway…

Vulnerability has become a trendy word in the last few years but still manages to be something that eludes most men. There's a reason we avoid it like the plague even though deep down our heart is longing for intimate …

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Aug. 25, 2020

Top 5 Ways to Activate & Increase Your Dreams | Ep #30

Dreams should be an intricate part of our daily lives. They speak to us, guide us, and lead us into the life we are meant to have. In part two of our series on dreams we dive into how exactly …

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Aug. 19, 2020

Why You Need To Learn How To Prune Like A Gardener | Ep #29

No, we're not talking about how to grow a garden today. We're talking about the principles of pruning and how applying them to your life can significantly help alter your ability to anchor in your masculinity. Important URL's...

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Aug. 17, 2020

Why You Should Focus on Your Dream Life | Ep #28

Understanding Dreams - Our first series! It's proven that sleep (or lack thereof) can drastically affect almost every area of your life. Much like masculinity, the time you sleep is "multifaceted". Dreams are only one aspect,...

Episode page
Aug. 12, 2020

How Feeling Like a Fraud Can be a Good Thing | Ep #27

As men, we've all felt like a fraud at some point but did you know it could actually be a positive thing? I'm not talking about hiding behind false humility or using it as a way to emotionally abuse yourself …

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Aug. 10, 2020

How to Get a 100X Return on Your Personal Development with Dave Charl…

Today's episode is packed with helpful information. Dave Charlson is a high-level executive coach who has a unique ability to draw the best out of people regardless of where they are in their personal or professional journey....

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Aug. 5, 2020

Be Hard as a Stone Wall but Soft as a Feather: Ep #25

It's important to learn how to embrace your masculine strength AND your soft side. Men who are able to live in the tension between the two are the ones who build sustainable success in every area of their life. URL's …

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Aug. 3, 2020

How Pursuing 'Excellence' Can Sabotage Your Success | Ep. #24

Excellence in and of itself is a good thing, but it can do harm when you subconsciously misapply it to your life. You have to ask yourself a few important questions when it comes to excellence to prevent it from …

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July 29, 2020

#1 Way to Improve Any Relationship in Your Life | Ep. #23

Most people waste so much emotional energy trying to "fix" relationships. Putting that focus on the right thing will fundamentally shift the relationship you have with yourself as well as the one you're unhappy with, but it r...

Episode page
July 27, 2020

What Exactly is "Your Heart"... and Why it Matters with Blair Reynold…

Today marks a significant moment in the history of this podcast because we have our first guest! Blair Reynolds is the founder of LifeConsultingCourse.com and BusinessConsultingCourse.com , is the host on How to Life Good pod...

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July 20, 2020

Why You Shouldn't Burn Your Bridges... and The One Exception | Ep. #20

Today we'll dive into ways you can end the relationship well and include one reason you should "set everything on fire and walk away". You can be the one to end the relationship, but rarely should you permanently burn the …

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July 15, 2020

Who the &%#! is Josh Cearbaugh, and Why Should I care? | Ep. #19

Today we get to know the host of Multifaceted Masculinity in a way we haven't before. We're going to dive into the history that helped lay the foundation of what this podcast has become and why Josh has a unique …

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